Belik, Sergei

Still Life with Three Oranges, 2004
Oil on canvas
23.5 x 19.75 in
Sergei Belik’s contemporary still life paintings capture beauty in its simplest form. The artist extracts images of objects from our everyday reality, recreating them into visual wonders. Inanimate objects take on a metaphysical form, one that is somehow distilled from the artist’s brush strokes. Equally impressive are Belik’s landscapes that complement the visual concepts of his still life paintings. Belik combines constructive compositional clarity with rich rhythmically synthesized colors. He successfully merges a meticulous technique of painting still lifes with realistic yet emblematic images, resulting in a contemporary format that allows the viewer to perceive harmony. 

Born in Odesa, Ukraine in 1953, Belik holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Hrekov College of Art in Odesa and a Master of Fine Arts from the prestigious Mukhina Higher College of Art and Design (now the Mukhina State Academy of Art and Design) in St. Petersburg. Belik has exhibited internationally and is held in many private and public collections. The artist resides and works in Odesa, Ukraine.

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